Pizza Party!

Come join the Central Presbyterian Family for Food and Fellowship!  Meet us at the West Lafayette Pizza Hut on Sagamore Parkway on Thursday, March 13, from 6-8 p.m. No reservations are required. Family and friends are welcome. A variety of pizza and beverages will be provided buffet-style. You may purchase additional salad bar and/or other…

Apostle Build

Central is participating in this year’s Habitat for Humanity Apostle Build! Construction begins in March at 615 Wabash Ave, and we are raising funds for our sponsorship fee. To contribute, write a check to Central Presbyterian Church with “Habitat Apostle Build” in the memo line. Volunteer workdays are scheduled for Friday, April 4 (siding) and…

Build a Habitat House

Central is participating in this year’s Habitat for Humanity Apostle Build! Construction begins in March at 615 Wabash Ave, and we are raising funds for our sponsorship fee. To contribute, write a check to Central Presbyterian Church with “Habitat Apostle Build” in the memo line. Volunteer workdays are scheduled for Friday, April 4 (siding) and…