We're so glad you're here.
You already belong, of course — for all are welcome at Central Presbyterian Church, and membership is not required to participate in our ministries. However, by becoming a member formally, you have voice and vote in congregational meetings, and can express to us your commitment to First Pres to be an active part. Your joining allows us to support you more fully and help you stay engaged and grow in faith.
Questions about membership? Contact Rev. Wil Reinowski, Pastor, (765) 742-8481 or wil@centralpreschurch.org.
The questions of membership are:
- Who is your Lord and Savior? Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
- Do you trust him? I do.
- Do you intend to be his disciple, to obey his Word, and to show his love? I do.
- Will you be a faithful member of this congregation, giving of yourself in every way, and will you seek the fellowship of the church wherever you may be? I will.
Individuals may join the church by Profession of Faith and Baptism (for those who have never been baptized), by Reaffirmation of Faith (for those who are not currently active members of another Christian church), or by Transfer of Church Letter (for those on the active roll of another church.

Where to start?
If you’re new to the area, new to church, or just looking for a new start, your journey begins here.